Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend Recap

So this weekend has been a fun and eventful one. On Friday I got to take my nieces to Wheeler Farm for a free kids day. We had a lot of fun there. They got to see all sorts of fun animals and then they got to ride on this little train. It's always a lot of fun to take these little girls out.

On Saturday after work my family was getting together for a Father's Day BBQ at Sugarhouse park. That was all a great time but after we ate my sisters and I were getting kind of bored and looking for something to entertain us so we thought it would be funny to play some games we played as kids. So we started by playing truth or dare, that got old after a bit so we then decided to move onto a game called Statues. This is where you spin someone and however they land they have to freeze that way. So I spun them and then was taking one of my sisters around to "shop" for a statue. We got to my oldest sister Amber and she was kind of in a stink bug position only facing upwards. So I described her statue as a bug that fell over on it's back. But as I was explaining this I looked down and right where her butt was I noticed a big piece of poop laying there. I just lost it at this point and laughed so hard. Well she finally realized what was going on and she freaked out. She had it all over the back of her and up and down her whole arm. Needless to say I doubt we will play that game anymore but it was SOOOOO funny!!


Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

haha, i love her expression in that last shot. that is sooo something that sounds like we would do over here.....sisters are the best!!

then some night you'll be in bed and remember everything and just start laughing....then you'll have to explain to josh why you are cracking up and he won't get it, and you'll feel all awkward....this happens to me quite often. maybe i have problems...

blank said...

That is one proud moment for me. Why do those things always happen to me? Do you know how much funnier this would have been if it would have been Allie?

Allie and Fam said...

LOL!!! I wish SO bad I could have been there for that. SO FUNNY!!