Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well I went to the doctor today and they scheduled my ultrasound for next Friday!! Woo Hoo. That happens to fall on my favorite (well tied for favorite) holiday, Halloween. So I am putting this post out to see if I can get sort of a poll going on. What do you think we are going to have?? Will it be a boy, or will it be a girl?? Let me know what you think.


kitty kay said...

This is my official guess... it's a girl!

Sam said...

I'm gonna guess BOY!


I am totally saying a GIRL! I can't believe you are already finding out!!

Unknown said...

AHHHHH! I'm so excited. I'm going with Sam on the boy vote. Can't wait to know for sure so I can buy you cute stuff!

Nicole said...

Okay I guess Girl... Even though I only have a 50% chance of being right! :)

Allie and Fam said...

Official guess from all of us is a boy!!

Heather said...

I've gotta go with girl! Even though it would be fun for MalaKai to have a buddy. I'm so excited to hear the news!

becky said...

i'm sure you already know, but my official guess is a glir! :> i'm so excited for you! AH!

The Harding Hive said...

I am guessing boy. And just so you know....I have only been right like twice. So it is probably a girl.

Brytani said...

I'm going with GIRL because I love mine and you would dress up a girl so cutsie I cant even handle it.

Natalie said...

I guess BOY! But, I know that whichever it is...you are both going to be so much in LOVE you wont even care!

Stephanie said...

The world needs as many women as we can get...I'm voting, ok hoping, girl. One more blog of cutiest little baby boys and I'm going to start getting the itch.

The Stone's said...

I guess girl... mostly because I want to give you bows and headbands! They are the best!!!

Nelson Family said...

I am saying Girl because that is what I really want also but Creighton is saying Boy becuase that is what he really wants! I am so jeaslous that you get to find out so soon! I feel like I have to wait forever to find out what I am having!

Brandon and Julie said...

hey I am going to guess boy, this is Julie Carlson by the way, sorry i found you blog, hope you don't mind

Hillary Sperry said...

I'm going with girl too... baby dresses are tons more fun to make than baby pants not to mention they're easier to fit whether I'm with the baby or not I'm afraid of boy clothes. But buying them is fun anyway my guess is GIRL.

Jen said...

I'll guess boy! A big tall boy like his father! Have fun at the ultrasound. It's so exciting!